Browsing tag: Only Me

Living At The Hyatt

So, I now live at the Hyatt. Like… I’m not just staying here for a bit, I live here. My family lives at the Hyatt. Gosh, where do I even start? A couple months ago, when The Guy first broached the subject of moving, we already had an idea of what we wanted, and where

Sex, Diagrams, And A Cheesecake

* If the pictures appear blurry, select the desktop version on your mobile device* In case you didn’t pick up on this from my last post, I am very, very, extremely ready to have this baby. Even more now, since I dislocated my hip (stupid genetic disorder) not long after hitting “publish” on the last

So, Our House Flooded

  So, our house flooded. And, it wasn’t a tiny flood. We are now living in a hotel. Yep, and we’ve been here for a week already. Thanks Boy Child. I wasn’t home when the flood occurred. I got a call from our babysitter saying that something had happened to the toilet on the third

This Is A True Story And The Cop Is Real

**************** Right before The Girl Child’s extended hospital vacation, I traveled to Florida with The Guy and the kids for something. In typical Strong family style, we decided to make everything a little more dramatic than it actually needed to be, and took a plane ride with the most turbulence that I have ever experienced

Me Defined

Eden Strong

Eden Strong

My husband said he was going to the store... and never came back. It's been a crazy life that's left me functional enough to survive yet dysfunctional enough to make me funny. I'm living my life devoid of most social graces while single parenting two young children and I absolutely love it....most days.

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