You guys, I dislocated a rib. Yes, it is possible. No, this isn’t my first time. Yes, it hurt just like the very first time. Yes, that was a corny joke based off of a song. Yes, the rib thing really happened though. So while I’m tending to my wounds and sharing with you just
Search Results For: label/Lawyer
So…. I’ve gotten a lot of emails asking me how the party went for my grandmother. You guys remember what I’m talking about, right? The 90th birthday party that was being thrown for my grandmother, the one I wanted to attend because I wanted to be there for her, but it was going to be
So I have a confession to make. Bugs, they make me scream. It’s totally ridiculous and actually pretty funny, but I can’t help it — they make me scream. It’s not even so much that I’m scared of the bug itself, but more in the way that the bug most likely snuck up on me.
***Alrighty people, I’m finally putting the Answers post back up but unfortunately it is a highly edited version of the one that was up before. I have to say I am still really saddened by what went on last time I put it up. The fighting in the comments, the nasty emails, and the hack that
Drum roll please….. The moment you have all been waiting for…. (well maybe not all of you, but you should have been, he is a pretty cool dude)Who would like to talk to Mr. Attorney Man? You’ve seen me mention him on this blog quite a few times and it got me thinking, would you
I have a memory like a steel trap. In fact those are the exact words that I said in an email earlier this week to Mr. Attorney Man and I said them because they are true. If you say something to me, if we go somewhere, if we see something, I’m going to remember it.
Trust me, you are going to want to read this one through to the end…. It was almost exactly a year ago when I started this journey with you all. The blog went up in October but it wasn’t until Dec 23rd that my first article ran and a lot of you found me. I