Browsing tag: No shame

“Let’s Talk About Sex Baby”

Ok, for my American counterparts, I have that really awful song by Salt N’ Pepa running through my head. “Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me, lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be, lets talk about sex.” Last night I ran a support group

My Ex Is What Happened To My Face

My second surgery yesterday went great, couldn’t have gone better actually. Today I woke up and albeit sore, bruised, and swollen, I actually feel somewhat like a human being again. So…I decided it was time to venture out of the house. Well, “decided” might be giving it a little bit too much credit, but lets

I Went To Bed Hungry Last Night

I went to bed hungry last night. It’s not uncommon for me, but it never gets any easier. I tossed and turned, hummed a little song to get my mind off of the fact that my stomach hurt, and debated brushing my teeth again, thinking that maybe I could fool my body into thinking that I

This was done too me, not because of me

There really is no easing into this first post, it is what it is. This blog is about me. It’s about my life. My trials, my failures, my joy, and my heartaches. It’s painful, dirty, and complicated. It’s embarrassing, scary, and torturous. It’s the screams in my nightmares and the cries from my soul. But it’s me.

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