Yes, You Read That Right, Someone Shot My Daughter’s Window
So I started out this weekend with big plans, big plans to do nothing. We have been exceedingly busy the last few weekends with a pretty crazy social schedule and so it was important to take a weekend where the kids could just chill, relax, and play with their toys.
It started out pretty well. Friday night we ate dinner on the front yard so that the kids could eat, play, and run around.
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Frisbee |
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Dinner |
When my son noticed that the tractors were plowing the field, I played the part of the adaptable mommy and we quickly packed up and moved to the balcony so that he could watch the tractors while he ate. I even agreed to let everyone change clothes because it was “hotter on the balcony mommy.”
Then when they couldn’t see the tractors from that side of the balcony, I shuffled everyone back inside, and moved all the furniture + food to the other side of the balcony for their viewing pleasure.
When I finally got the kids to bed, I poured a glass of wine, grabbed a magazine, and headed to the garage to relax in blissful peace.
I sat in the garage, drank my wine, and watched the deer grazing in the fields. There is something so neat about living on the edge of a large town. To the right of my house, three minutes away, there are millions of people and everything a person would need for convenient and socially entertained living, but to the immediate left of my house there are deer grazing, a yak farm, and hawks circling overhead. I just sat there and soaked in the peacefulness of the moment, feeling thankful that I live in a place that gives me a break from the craziness of day to day living and allows my soul to quietly unwind.
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View from my yard |
I headed inside at about nine o’clock and around 11 I started hearing something that sounded like it was hitting the house. I looked out the window but I didn’t see anything. The farmers tend to work loudly at night and there were kids across the street setting off firecrackers so even though I could feel that all of my senses were on alert, I convinced myself that everything was ok. That worked until my daughters window broke.
Someone shot her window. Someone actually shot the entire backside of my house with some sort of BB gun. When the window broke it sounded like a bomb had gone off in the house. I seriously couldn’t believe how loud it was. My poor girl child lost about ten years off her life.
When the police showed up my daughter was so scared that they had to coax her out from under her brother’s crib. The entire back of the house has holes in the siding and my girl child’s window is broken. I don’t even know how I’m going to pay for this, but quite honestly that is the least of my worries. To top it off I left the garage door open during the day and when I went to shut it that night, it wouldn’t close. Obviously with everything that had happened I couldn’t leave it open so I called a repair guy at 7:30pm Saturday night (with his lovely emergency pay rates) and he came right away. What did he find? Someone had cut the electrical wires.
This is like a full on assault, I can’t believe this is happening. I was planning this week to write the post where I was going to tell you guys that I was taking my ex to court, but hey guess what, I’m taking my ex to court and I don’t think he is too happy about it. I can’t prove that he did this, but I can’t imagine who else it would be.
I just feel completely defeated inside.
My first reaction was “that’s it, this is too much, I need to keep the kids safe and we need to pack up and leave,” but when I thought about it I realized it’s not the location that is unsafe, it’s me. I don’t know if you guys are scary movie buffs like I am, but I know that in most poltergeist movies when people realize they are being haunted their first reaction is to pick up and move until the ghost expert reminds them “the demon is not attached to the house, it is attached to you. You can move, but it’s just going to follow you.”
This trouble is not attached to my house, it is attached to me. Moving across town isn’t really going to help me much because he is just going to follow me there and moving out of state isn’t really an option right now.
I usually have a nice little ending to tie up my posts with, but I don’t really have one today because I don’t have any answers. I don’t know what I am going to do, I don’t know what I should do. I’m completely lost and emotionally drained.
Until I can figure out what to do about the window, the girl child is sleeping on the floor.
The End.
Ugh, Eden. I'm so sorry. There's nothing like wanting desperately to have a “good day,” and having it end up like shit because of a douchebag ex. Firstly…Your homeowners insurance should take care of the damaged windows and siding. I'm not sure what your deductible is, so that's something to think about (for most, it's $1000). It's ok to not know what you're going to do, or have everything tied up in a neat little bow. Do you think seeding your property with land mines is outside of your budget? Just a thought. Anyway….Keep hanging in there. Don't let that dickwad bully you out of doing what's right. Make sure to bring up in court (or at least to Mr. Attorney Man) what's going on. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck……….
It looks like the townhouse association will cover the siding and I’ll be responsible for the window which is going to be about $1000. Ugh I am so mad!!!
Send land mines 😉
Ugh I'm so sorry this happened. ::hugs:: Make him suffer, honey.
**hugs** thank you 🙂
Sorry you had such a crappy weekend, Eden! You've had way more than your fair share of crap already in this lifetime, so if anyone deserves a nice, quiet weekend to rest, it's definitely you!Have you ever thought about trying to find a roommate/renter to share the house with you? I know it's got lots of downsides, but having another adult living there might help out somewhat with the security. What about the TSA Special Agent guy? You could try a period of platonic “roomies” to see how you get along, and he provides security while he's there? I don't know, maybe that's a dumb idea, but I thought I might as well mention it.In any case, many hugs to you and those cute kids of yours! I hope next weekend is a great improvement.
Yea I had originally wanted a roommate but who in their right mind would be crazy enough to move in here? “Hey….wanna move in so that I don’t get shot at alone?” Lol. I don’t really see that going over real well in the craigslist ads. I don’t actually know anyone that doesn’t own their home, which is actually kind of strange now that I think about it…. where are all the renters hiding?
I think a few of us had suggested a roomate to her a few posts ago and she had said she because of ongoing stalking issues she was hesitant to pull someone else into the living situation as well. I don't know if she knows any single guys who could move in, but I could see why she wouldn't want another woman or single mom in danger too. So sorry Eden 🙁 I hope you can work something out, this just isn't right!!
That's awful!! I hope they figure out who did it.On a side note I just have to say I'm a little jealous that you live in a townhouse (which I'm assuming means the association maintains your outdoor space) and you have so much green space. That's like a single mom's dream! All the benefits of yard space and none of the work. Very jealous.
Haha, yea, I do like it, no complaints. Plenty of room for the kids to play and I can watch someone else mow the grass!
Have you thought about reaching out to local domestic violence resources? They might have some suggestions about how to protect your property (and your family, of course). This is so horrible and scary. You really need to make sure that the police know about the electrical cutting too. It sounds like your ex belongs in prison. And I know this is probably not the correct advise, but I almost my instinct would be to move and not take him to court for child support until you live somewhere that he can't find you. Of course, I know your monthly house payment is so low that might be hard. Good luck.
Update: I can't believe I wrote that it “sounds” like your ex belongs in prison. He CLEARLY belongs in prison. I already knew that. And sorry for the typos.
I did a few months ago when I was having ongoing stalking issues. They weren’t super helpful other than referring me to the police, who weren’t helpful at all 🙁
I did file a police report, they didn’t say they were going to do anything, that since I can’t prove its him there isn’t anything they can do.
Oh how scary!! Poor baby! She must have been scared out of her wits! If you live close enough you can always come stay with my family and I just to get away for a bit. We are crazy and loud but it the good kind of crazy and mostly fun loud. I understand you instinct to run but that takes tons of money and won't really solve the problem. Have faith and keep really good records. And you might think about adding cameras to the outside of the house in sneaky places. I bet you could get a system off eBay for pretty cheap. Even if you just got something that just looked like you were recording what was going on. Good luck lady! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Aw, thanks for the offer 🙂 She was and is, terrified. Poor baby 🙁 My heart breaks for her.
I was just about to get cameras a few months ago when everything finally settled down and paying for cameras ended up getting moved lower down on the immediate financial needs list. Now I’m regretting that…
Well, hopefully some of your readers can make donations and you can get enough money to move.
Oh gosh lol, I can’t even imagine what that would cost! That sure would be nice, but most of my readers are in financial situations similar to mine and I am just happy they come here to read 🙂
Oh my gosh how absolutely terrifying. Your poor daughter. I can't imagine how scary that was for all of you.I really wish there was something us readers could do. As much as we'd love to, I don't think we could give you enough money to run. And odds are that wouldn't solve the problem anyway. Stalkers are scarily good at finding people unfortunately.I'm with Jennifer above. If you can, see about installing some hidden cameras around your house. If you need help with that, just say so. A few hidden cameras are far cheaper than uprooting your family and moving. I know I can chip in a bit for those.Stay strong. I'll be sending you good vibes and positive thoughts.*hugs*
Yea, my thoughts exactly. I could leave, but unless I moved out of state he would probably just follow me. Its seems to be some sort of sick hobby.
I do need to try and scrape the money together for cameras and then figure out how to install them lol!
I'll chip in too! You guys need to feel safe. It is one of the basic needs to live!
Aw, you guys are always the best. I don’t want anyone to feel pressured into donating anything, I’m just happy that you guys come here to read and chat with each other!
In that case, PLEASE get some cameras like someone else suggested, so if it happens again you have proof.
I’m on it! 🙂
It's so ridiculous that someone can shoot your house and you're responsible to pay for the damages. That's just insane. :(Land mines are on their way. 😉
How about asking the police if there are any female police officers who would like to rent a room? (At substantially undermarket rates, just so you will have a presence in the house?) Well, just a thought!
Interesting idea….!! The problem with the local police around here, one of my main complaints, is that they currently have ONE female officer. ONE. Isn’t that insane??
Still not a bad idea!
Funny how your daughter and son are wearing different clothes in the pictures. In the first two pictures, your “daughter” is wearing a pink, short-sleeved shirt and your “son” is wearing a green shirt. And then suddenly, your “daughter” is wearing a spaghetti strapped pink shirt (with a different headband) and your “son” is no longer wearing the green shirt. Yeah, you're not a fraud AT ALL, are you, Eden Strong? LOL! It's about continuity!
Haha! Thank you Irene, for finally settling the case for all of us, that you really aren’t that bright. Did you even bother to read the article or did you just jump right in looking for things to complain about?
Did you happen to read the part that said “I even agreed to let everyone change clothes because it was “hotter on the balcony mommy.”
Good grief woman, you seriously need to get a life. Just in case you missed it, I’ll even point out that yes, in the second pictures my son is wearing a pajama top and a diaper, because if I had to change his clothes once, I wasn’t going to do it again! But yep, my daughter was in a spagetti strap tank top because she changed her own clothes.
But thanks Irene, thanks for pointing out to everyone that you can’t read. 😉
Burned!!! I knew there was a reason I was late to the game reading this weeks articles, it was so I would watch the troll's hair go up in flames! Wanna bet she deletes her comment now that SHE got caught? I bet she changes her screen name next time she comes back, if she has the balls to come back at all….
Ha! Oh Irene, so close, yet you still managed to make yourself look like an idiot.
We're all hiding here in California because we can't afford to buy a house, lol!!!
Haha!!! Well hell, I’d gladly move to California for a roomate and some warm weather!
Why so silent now irene? Finally learning to keep your mouth shut?
Irene, why don't you just bugger off, and let Eden blog in peace? You are obviously not welcome here. Hey, here's an idea…WHY don't you keep your negativity to YOURSELF, until it builds up so big, that you spontaneously combust, and free us good people from your crappiness.
Now that I got my comment to Irene off my chest (Geez what a miserable person – unbelievable), I want to express to you Eden, how saddened I am that this is happening(I don't know if there was any updates on the situation – I've been away, and unable to follow for a while, so I'm reading the timeline). I'm saddened because a person's home should be their sanctuary – a safe haven. I've been there, where I felt “If only I just pack up and go, things will be better”. But I too realized that likely, it won't fix the problem. I love my home, and will fight and give every strength of my existence to stay here. Unbelievable that your police department contains no female officers! Scary. Anyway, back to solutions…do you own a gun? Seriously. I'm not a gun advocate, but if it takes that to protect your family from the freaks your ex-husband sends along to scare, and hurt you…You could take proper gun training(which actually, if you own a gun, is the smart thing to do), perhaps even a self defense class. Eden, once again, my thoughts are with you and your precious children.
I don’t own a gun for a few different reasons, but I’m trying to figure something out. A few generous readers donated and asked me to get a camera installed, so I am going to get that done.
I’ll update you guys soon!!
Thanks for your sweet words and kind thoughts 🙂
Yeah, I don't own a gun either, for most likely the same reasons as you(mostly because I don't want one around when kids are around…but for protection reasons, I do sometimes ponder the thought of taking a training class, and knowing everything there needs to be known about owning, storing, and using a gun properly).I do own a big dog who lets me know if someone is in a 1mile radius from the house 😉 Seriously, I don't need to know if someone is walking on the road, but in his judgement, I guess, it's better safe than sorry :)An option I'm also pondering is an outdoor alarm. Not sure if you've heard of them, but in case you haven't, the way it works is pretty much the same way an indoor one works. They filter out creature movement (I know you have deer – we do too), and only sense human movement, in the vicinity of your home (what's pretty cool is you can choose what vicinity! – so depending on the size of your property, and another cool thing is you can get notified on your phone, or whatever device! Neat huh?). They're pretty pricey (in this area of the world anyway), but what I like about them is, that you are notified before the possible intruder is inside your home. I don't want an indoor alarm…but the outdoor one sounds like a wonderful idea. Combined with my super loud dog…we should be okay!With that said, I've also started pondering an intruder practice drill with the kids(pretty sad huh?), but just to practice to stay calm, and QUIET, in a safe hiding spot (I've even considered a magical door), while I go and shoot the fucker in the foot 🙂 That's if I owned a gun, that is ;)Hey, by the way, Happy Father's Day – Yes You – Miss do it all 🙂
I live in a townhouse with a common driveway and a shared front porch lol, so I don’t know how well that would work!! It’s a neat idea though!
Yes, the intruder drills, it’s really sad that we have to do that with our kids isn’t it? I feel like they will be traumatized for life!
Aw thanks, my “fathers day” went well 😉
No. YOU sleep on the floor, your child sleeps in the bed.
Well Miss Judgy McJudgerson, she said somewhere on here that her daughter DID NOT WANT to sleep in her mom's (Eden's) bed, that she wanted to be in her own room (check the comments). What pinecone did you sit on this morning?
Thanks for your concern Emily, but the person who replied to you is correct. Sorry you seem to be in such a horrific mood today, hopefully you cheer up later.
“Diana,” I deleted your comment, as I have deleted the other nasty comments you’ve made on my other posts because you are also “Emily” (don’t forget the traffic reader is on my end, I can see you).
Replying to yourself is just strange.
Now go along and scurry back to your cave.