I Need A Favor From All Of You

Happy Saturday Everyone!

The Guy and I had a fun little date night last weekend….

…. So we are spending this one at home.

Well, almost at home. I did go to dance class this morning, and The Guy may or may not have lost a bet and…

He came too.

It was pretty awesome and he was a really great sport about it. The women in the class absolutely loved it and spent the entire time high-fiving him, cheering him on, and teaching him to get “low, low, low, low.” And I have to admit, for being 39 and never dancing a day in his life, he shook his non-existent boobs pretty well!

But anyway, I’m going to cut right to the chase here and ask you for a favor.

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Recently I wrote an article for Yahoo, about teaching my daughter the true meaning of beauty, despite her physical disability. For your convenience I will link that in for you right here.

(See, I’m handing out favors, so you can do one for me, right?)

And after writing that article, I got to thinking. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if my daughter had people other than me, teaching her what it really means to be beautiful?”

Then I remembered… wait a minute… I have all of you!! So, may I possibly borrow all of you for something? I’d love to compile for her, a book of cards from people all over the world — different ages, genders, cultures, countries, and perspectives — that teach her what true beauty is.

Would you mind taking a minute and writing a short note/card on what it means to be beautiful, inside and out?

If you’d like to join me in this (and I sure hope you will!!), you can mail it to:

Eden Strong
PO Box 321
South Holland Il, 60473

I will then compile them all into a book, so she can see in your own handwriting, what it means to be a beautiful person. I can’t imagine how I would have felt if I had gotten that much great advice at her age, and I’m hoping that it will stick with her for years to come.

So you’ll help me right?

Pretty please with TWO cherries on top??

Thank you!!

And since I’m asking you all for something, I guess the least I can do is give you something in return, and so I bring you, lunchtime entertainment!

Here are a few articles that I’ve written for Yahoo and Babble over the past several weeks while I’ve been slacking off here.

To start, the article that spurred the favor asking:

“You Are Beautiful, I Tell My Daughter With A Physical Disability”


You may not want to read this while you are eating, but you are welcome to have a laugh at my expense. Two words: ONLY ME.

“I Hit My All-Time Parenting Low, On A Puke Filled Flight From Hell”


I cried when I wrote this, and my husband cried when he read it…

“He Knew I Could Die, But He Married Me Anyway”


You’ve read my posts about the man who stepped in to take my daughter to the daddy daughter dance, but what you didn’t know, was what that meant for our family.

“To The Stand-In Dad Who Was There For My Daughter When Her Father Left”


When I realized that I would be fighting for her life, I never expected that fight to be against the insurance company.

“My 8-Year-Old Has A Chronic Illness And Fighting With The Insurance Company Has Become My Life”


I have to say, learning to co-parent is not an easy task, and sometimes it’s downright lonely

“Sometimes I Still Feel Like A Single Mom, Even With My New Husband”


It’s true, we don’t believe them, and this is EXACTLY why:

“Four Mind Blowing Reasons Why We Don’t Believe Abuse Victims”


This article broke my heart to write, especially after interviewing a mom, who after losing her seven-year-old daughter last year, is determined to make people aware that this did NOT have to happen.


Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

P.S. I asked The Guy to get a movie set up while I got this post ready… and in my mind I was thinking “can you hook up the DVD player and get the movie on and past all the menu options”… but this was his idea of getting things set up…

I love that man.


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  • afairytale84
    March 12, 2017 at 4:42 pm

    As someone with a physical disability who has struggled with self confidence, I will definitely do this and I will try my best not to write a novel, haha.Unfortunately, there's a snow storm coming tomorrow and accumulation predictions are anywhere from 6 inches to over a foot.Please send wine.I won't be able to make it to the post office for a couple of days, but a note/letter/card/something will make its way to you soon.

    • NotMyShametoBear
      March 20, 2017 at 8:10 am

      Aw, yay!!!!

      Did you survive the snow!? Should I send a plow and a vat of wine!?

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2017 at 4:37 pm

    Have you seen Gap's new Fearless Beauty campaign? Check it out! very powerful!

    • NotMyShametoBear
      March 28, 2017 at 6:20 am

      I have, and I love it!

  • afairytale84
    March 28, 2017 at 11:39 pm

    We actually got more ice than snow, which is worse. Because ice freaking sucks.Then, my brother had what was supposed to be an simple, outpatient heart procedure and ended up with life-threatening complications. So I had to take an impromptu trip to Canada. He's fine and at home now, but it was close. Then, I got sick and have not been able to kick this chest cold/cough thing.So the letter has not been sent, sorry. I'm hopefully going to get to the post office tomorrow. I'll see how I'm feeling. Also, I'm typing this a second time because I think my computer ate my first comment. If it didn't, then I'm replying twice. Whoo.

  • Emma
    July 8, 2017 at 11:51 am

    I didn't realise your beautiful girl has EDS – I do too, although I have a mild version of it. Letter on its way, although I realise I may be too late – she still deserves to know!

    • NotMyShametoBear
      August 1, 2017 at 8:50 am

      Aw, thank you! A fellow zebra!

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Me Defined

Eden Strong

Eden Strong

My husband said he was going to the store... and never came back. It's been a crazy life that's left me functional enough to survive yet dysfunctional enough to make me funny. I'm living my life devoid of most social graces while single parenting two young children and I absolutely love it....most days.

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