So… I just realized that it’s been like EIGHT MONTHS since I did one of those “and this is what we’ve been up to” posts. What the hell Eden, pull it together! With that being said, I just went back through my photo files from the last few months and I’m here to update all
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Sorry, I’ve been lazy, so here’s a post that has been building up in my file folder for two months now and I just haven’t gotten around to publishing it. I have however, gotten enough emails from readers asking “why haven’t you posted any of the free weekend activities that you guys do?” to
It’s funny how everyone waits for summer to get here so that they can kick back and relax, but then the minute it gets here we all take off running and throw relaxation to the side! Here’s just a snapshot of what the Strong family has been up to: As I said before, someone graduated
Was it just me or was April insanely busy? Aside from the daily grind of work/dance/school/daycare/, we also spent several weekends in a row at Easter festivals. I say Easter festival and not egg hunt because these days you go for the hunt but then you stay for the games. I really don’t remember having
Actual conversations I’ve had with The Girl Child this week; “Mom, if I stick my finger in there will I be ‘electrocubed’?” “Yes kid, if you stick your finger in the socket you will be electrocuted.” ….five minutes later. “Why are you still staring at the socket?” “I’m trying to decide if I want to