The Boy Child is the kind of kid, that when his feet hit the ground in the morning, he takes off running and doesn’t stop until after he is in bed at night. But not that long ago, he surprised me by waking up and climbing into my bed to snuggle. Not wanting to waste
Browsing tag: My Odd Life
So I can’t figure out why the alignment is all messed up in this post, and things are justified left, and right, and center, and I can’t change it AND I GIVE UP. Moving on… I’m sorry again for my delay in posting. I swear I feel like I do more apologizing than writing here
As usual, things have not “normalized” around here, meaning that my kids are just as weird as ever. I mean I can’t blame them since they have me as their mother, but still, I’m pretty strange, so if I’m constantly being caught off guard by how strange my kids are… well then that’s saying something.
Remember the post “Conversations That I Did Not Think I Would Be Having This Week?” Well not to mention that this week I found myself talking to all of you about the time I burned the hell out of my lady bits, but this week overall just seemed especially strange in the conversation department. So