Things That Make You Ask Why, Part 10
Why has no one ever told me that I have been calling my furniture by the wrong name all these years? I was always under the impression that a “single person couch” was called… a chair. My bad.
Why do I think that google translate might be having some technical difficulties?
Why did I think I was on a hidden camera show last week? Because I was supposed to pick up lunch for a meeting and I couldn’t find anyone in the entire restaurant. According to the door it had been open for 20 minutes, yet, no one.
Here I am standing in the kitchen. Still… no one.
And also, while I’m standing there, in the kitchen, where exactly are they packing up these orders? Next door? At home? And where exactly is this bell? The arrow means nothing to me when it’s pointing to Velcro. Did the waitstaff take it with them, when they all left?
Why do I have no idea what shift they are hiring for?
Why am I fairly sure that whoever came up with this advertising campaign does not have children?
Why not glue your window shut?
Why on earth would any surgeon’s office have carpet that you can actually trip over? Really, so you are telling me that you decided that uneven carpet would be exactly the thing that your recovering patients hopped up on loopy drugs should be walking on. “Oh I’m sorry, did you fall and break your face? Good thing we do nose jobs here!”
That’s just mean
Why am I showing you a picture of a leg lamp in my kitchen? Because I forgot to show you this at Christmas and that irritates me, so I’m showing it to you now just because I thought it was awesome. Do I have some awesome holiday decorating skills or what?
Why am I also showing you this? Because I found this photo next to the leg lamp photo and realized I forgot to share both of them with you.
Why am I not allowed to listen to this?
WHY DO I HAVE TO LIVE HERE? “Oh don’t mind me, I’m just going to be 49 minutes late to work because I have to chisel my car out of an ice cube.”
This is my car window from the inside. Ice much?
I like these posts 🙂
Yay! I’m glad 🙂
I love these posts. You always find the weirdest things. 🙂
Haha! What can I say? Weird follows me…
I see weird shit all the time, but I never pay attention or question it like you do. What was the deal at the restaurant??????
I have no idea! I stood there for like ten minutes, walked around, and then found someone sitting at a booth doing paperwork. I was like “uh… are you open?” and they were all “yep!”
Maybe no one is eating here because NO ONE KNOWS YOU ARE OPEN.
“Single person couch”….. :,)
Was it only that color? I love it! I might just have to get one for myself
So the chair it's self is $229. 🙁 well it seemed like a good idea. The cover is just $29
I can't remember where but I've seen that “The Night Dad Went to Jail” book. Fitting for a side ad for your articles as it is (those internet marketers know what they're doing) but on top of that, they are bunnies! If it weren't for bunnies you wouldn't have met your ex! (I wasn't sure since their ears don't stick up, so I Googled it to confirm they are, in fact, bunnies – and then I found the whole damn book online and HAD to read it, along with several WTF children's books. Still yet to find “The Night Mommy Went To The Mental Hospital”, though…)Seriously, Eden. THIS is why I come here. Sometimes I need to read something a little more serious, but after I'm glad you like writing them as much as I like reading them. I think when it comes to so many of these things, whether it's hilarious or just messed up, we find ourselves asking that same question “WHY?” I was always that weird kid who questioned everything… that's probably what got me through everything, honestly.And now, a serious “why” question you made me think of – WHY did Forrest Gump copy Inspector Gadget? “Go, Gadget, Go!”… “Run, Forrest, Run!” IT'S A CONSPIRACY I TELL YOU!!!! XD
Oops, got cut off – Sometimes I need to read something a little more serious, but after a rough night, this is really the kind of thing I need to read. 😀
Haha! If you find a mom went to the mental hospital one I need to read that!
I’m glad you like the funny posts. The comments are always so dead I never know!!
Funny you're right they are both chair covers. Still though $29 down from $29,503 is quite the deal!
Ah you are right, it was the slipcover! Still a great sale price though compared to the original! haha!
Ah you are right, it was the slipcover! Still a great sale price though compared to the original! haha!
I love these posts!!! They are one of my absolute favorite things about your blog, please don't stop. You always make me laugh out loud…much love xoxo
Well that makes me happy 🙂
Thank you!
Some crazy helicopter mom was up all night making that diorama like, “Little Jimmy is going to WIN this science fair if it's the last thing I do!””
RIGHT!? There is NO way a kid made that!!!
Was on another site, and somehow ended up on your blog. Have to say, it is great.l When I find something funny enough to make me laugh out loud, with tears in my eyes, it is a keeper. Will be back for a good laugh when I need one.
Woke up with a major sinus headache and this was so funny it actually made me forget how bad my head hurts! Keep them coming.
Haha, sorry about the headache but I’m glad you got a good laugh!