Because Tomorrow Will Be Tomorrow
I went shopping for my daughter today.
I honestly can’t remember the last time that I went shopping to buy my kids anything other than groceries, but today, today I went for something else.
And I didn’t really have the money for this, so I’m sure that I’ll be kicking myself about it next week, but for once in my life, I’m choosing not to think about next week.
Today I was thinking about today, and today I wanted to do this.
So for all of you that are going to leave me hateful comments and send me nasty emails about how I shouldn’t be eating at the food pantry and spending my money on “frivolous” things, well, I’m sorry, but today I’m not going to care, because today I needed to care about something else.
I needed to care about the daughter that proclaimed it “the best day ever!” and the little girl who wanted to be just like her friends. Today I cared about making her smile, and today I did that.
I shopped the clearance racks and went to multiple stores in order to be able to get everything that I needed within the budget that I’d set, but I didn’t buy anything used.
And it was fun. It was fun for me because I’ve shoved the desire to go shopping for cute girly things so far down my priority list that I feared I might never actually get to have that motherhood experience, but more than that it was fun because my daughter knew, that what I had gotten her was new.
And for a kid whose mom never buys her anything new, that made her feel special, which is great, because today I wanted nothing more than for her to feel special.
She got to put on a new dress, and a new pair of shoes. I left work early to do her hair, and gifted her with a new bracelet. I wanted tonight to be special, because I know that tomorrow, just like Cinderella, we will go back to all the things that happen when a husband and father abandons their family, but that’s tomorrow, that’s not tonight, and tonight, I wanted her to feel like a princess.
And when she walked down the stairs and saw her prince standing there in a suit, flowers in hand, I felt confident in the choices that I had made, simply because of the smile on her face.
Because tomorrow will be tomorrow, but tonight was the Daddy Daughter Dance.
That's awesome that you got to go out and do that, Eden. I don't think you'll ever regret it–This memory is much more precious than the dollars that went out the door. And she looks amazing. 🙂
I very much agree 🙂 And thank you!
That actually brought a tear … My hope is that you can have many more “today is today moments… “
Oh good, so I’m not the only one tearing up!
I am so glad you (and your friend and her family) could make it such a special day for your daughter.
Thank you hun 🙂
What a little beauty she is! How amazing your friends are to step in and make her feel special! Great decision, mommy!
Thank you! I may have gotten a loser husband, but I’ve been blessed with amazing friends 🙂
You and your Bestie arevawesome:)
Aw thanks. My Bestie sure rocks!
You're an amazing mother. I would have done the same thing. And to that gentleman with the block over his face, you an an amazing human being.
She's so lucky to have such a loving mother!
Awesome! Thank you for reminding me though…it's been awhile since I've taken my girls out.
You're a good mom and she's a lucky girl.
you never fail to show me how good i have it. thanks and it will get better for you.
Being a MOM is so hard that when you get a chance to be THE MOM, take it and enjoy it because as soon as we blink, they are grown and the memories are so important. You are doing great !!!
It was fun to just be a mom first, and worried second 🙂 I’m going to cherish that memory forever!
Your kids were given such a raw deal, a little bit o spoiling every now and again is good for them. You can make money back, but you can't remake memories 🙂 You're a great mom, never forget that
Aw, thank you!
She looks beautiful in that outfit, I hope she had a lovely evening.
She had an AMAZING evening, I can’t stop smiling for her 😀
And thank you!!
Brought tears to my eyes!!! She looks beautiful and I bet she was beyond excited for all that you did for her for that special day (and every other day)! You continue to be such an inspiration for me!
Y'all are blessed to have such good friends. Glad she had a good time. It was worth it.
She will probably remember it forever
So awesome, and so beautiful!
Oh my goodness, that smile. She looks so happy! I hope she had a great time. I've found in life that sometimes, you just have to throw a little money at something, even if you can't really afford to throw that bit of money at something. Not all the time, or even often, but just every once in a while. She'll always remember this and that smile I'm sure is worth it all.Also, kudos to your friends. They sound awesome.
You are very right. Here I am a few weeks later and a few dollars poorer, and I wouldn’t change it for the world 🙂
Can I just ask why there are never negative parts on your stories? I understand this isn't a sight for negativity but I'm sure that is only fair to hear both sides of people's opinions. Not everything is great and I get u have the kat say on what gets posted but I would think u would want a true portrayal of what people think. But I'm sure my post probably won't make the cut either.
Um… are we reading the same blog? Because I've read tons of negative things that have happened in her life. Rape? Her kids crying for their dad? Her kids health issues? Her bad break-ups? Do you think those things are sunshine and roses to live through? What are you even talking about?
I’m a little confused. Are you talking about my posts or the blog comments? Because you say “bad parts of your stories” and then you go on to say that your comment won’t make it and it’s not a true portrayal of what people think.
I post a ton of negative stuff in my blog posts, so I really can’t help you there. As for the comments, I post most of those as well. I think I just posted like 4 on Friday where people were criticizing the way that I handle things. I’m not sure why you seem to think that I filter out anything I don’t like. The only things I don’t post are the spambot comments about spell casting, and if someone flat out calls me names (because I refuse to give them a platform to troll here, it’s my blog, and I’m allowed to control that). If you don’t like me and you are assuming that I must be blocking a ton of negative comments, I’m sorry to say, I’m not. I really don’t get that many mean comments. It doesn’t mean that people aren’t thinking it or writing it elsewhere online, it’s just not happening here.