I Dislocated A Rib, So I’m Going To Waste Time Showing You This…
Here is the view from my couch:
And from bedroom window:
These next pictures I took while standing at the edge of my yard. (Yes, I take a lot of pictures of the sunset, but I can’t help it, no matter what the weather is like, it seems to be beautiful almost every single night!):
This little waterfall is about a three minute walk from my front door:
And just so you still don’t feel slighted, I’ll show you a few pics from near where I live. Sorry, I can’t show you any of the actual town sights, you know, the things that people actually come here to see, but for safety reasons I don’t want the entire world to know where I live and yadda, yadda, yadda… So instead I’ll just show you a few of the random pics I’ve snapped not all that far from my house.
And because I like clouds…. here are some clouds. I know, just try your best to contain your excitement.
And lastly, from my driveway to your computer screen, I bring you…. kids.
There ya go! My view from home, brought to you exclusively by my camera phone.
It may be “outside of civilization” as Mr. Attorney Man refers to it, but at least it’s a beautiful little spot in the middle of life’s daily chaos.
And lastly, if I may leave you with a bit of advice, don’t dislocate a rib. It sucks.
If You Liked This, Read More About Where I Live!
Its so enchanting. I take a lot of pix of the sun rises. El Paso is great for sky pictures. You take great photos by the way. You could make money eith it i think.
I can only imagine what they look like there! Facebook me some, I’d like to see them! 🙂
Your area is gorgeous. Hope the rib heals! Sounds painful. 🙁
Thank you!!
So…I just want to make sure you went to an ACTUAL doctor. Like, with an office and a plaque on the wall from doctor school. If you were in someone's living room, that proooooooooooobably wasn't a real chiropractic adjustment. Just sayin'.Also…..OH EM GEE, EDEN. How dare you live somewhere so beautiful? You're POOR, and a SINGLE MOM, and A VICTIM….You should be living in a shitty awful slum with like trash and hobos and dirty needles and stuff. I can't BELIEVE you have the audacity to enjoy beautiful sunsets and wide open spaces and clouds. You are SUCH A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just so we know what activities to avoid. How in the world do you dislocate a rib?! Hope you heal quickly.
Truly exceptional photos, Eden! I'm sorry about your rib. I hope it feels better soon!
I was wondering where you went!
Thank you 🙂
Those photos are great :D. I hope your rib heals soon *gentle hugs*
Thank you love!
Lol! I know, people need to give this woman a break, like she and her little ones aren't allowed to enjoy anything without being criticized for it, smh…
It's because you have the worst case of hyper mobile joints, but I forget what it's called. I remember you wrote about it and said its super painful. I hope your kids don't get it. Get better soon.
That’s exactly why. Stupid genetics. My kids have it too 🙁
Love the pictures, the scenery is beautiful feel better soon:)
Thank you sweets!
To Anonymous at 6:18AM:If you read the previous comment again with a tongue in cheek tone, you'll hopefully realize Mzfuzz was being sarcastic and funny and not being critical.
Hahahaha. So funny. Yea, she was being sarcastic. Mzfuzz is a good friend of mine 🙂
Hope you recover quickly. I love taking sunset pictures, too. You live in a beautiful area.
Well, they got a lot of wonderful qualities from you as well.