Happy Friday!

“I’m so glad I just have a plain head again” the Boy Child said tonight in reference to having the EEG wires removed, and I couldn’t agree more! That extended EEG was rough, and his poor head head blistered and welted from something they used on him.

And today, by the time most of you are reading this, I will be sitting in a hospital waiting room while he goes through some testing under anesthesia. Prayers would be appreciated!

Anyway, my reason for this post is to announce a big change.


First off, do not panic.

The blog is not going anywhere.

Nope, nowhere. I will still be blogging, I will still be posting, but what will be changing, is that in between blog posts, I will be sharing more through Instagram and Facebook. With all of The Boy Child’s health issues lately, and the amount of time that I lose to waiting rooms and doctor’s offices, I don’t always have time to update the blog as much as I’d like.

I’ve built such an amazing readership base, and you’ve all become so near and dear to me, that I have this guilty feeling hanging over my head when I don’t have a chance to pop in here multiple times a week like I used to. Then, when I do make it over here, I have 80 million things to share with you, and what ends up happening is that I dump all the big stuff on you, and I never get a chance to share the goofy, silly, insane, day to day details of life that really allow me to connect with you guys.
So, if you are not on my Facebook page, you can find that by clicking here. And if you are not on my brand spanking new (and super lonely) Instagram page, you can find that here!
I really hope that you guys will take a few minutes to follow those pages, as it really is my desire to better connect with you. Social media has never been a big draw for this blog. I have such a teeny tiny fraction of my blog readers following me on Facebook, and the feedback that I’ve gotten is that a lot of you come here to heal and you don’t want other people to know that you are also struggling with some of the topics that I struggle with (does that make me your dirty little secret?). But, I promise that the social media pages will keep it light, and you’ll be able to stay updated with everything that I can’t seem to find time to share on this blog!
In fact, as a perfect example of what I’m talking about, do you have any idea how many emails I have gotten asking what happened with the crazy lady who hit my car, ran away, and then lost her mind in court? 
Where I left you last, I had gone to my first court date for the case, and the woman’s defense was that I was poor, probably just wanted a new bumper, that she accidentally admitted to a cop that she hit me and then later realized that she wasn’t even there, and then she thanked everyone for coming to court.
The judge was so confused, that she postponed the trial.

Well, there is an update! And I’ve been meaning to tell you about it for a while! But life has been so crazy that I have not had a chance! So… you can find that update on Instagram!

See what I did there? Was that mean? 
Hopefully you will forgive me, and to soften the blow, I will at least leave you with a few real posts that I wrote for Babble last week.
Because I’m a sweet bitch. I’m the blogger equivalent of a Sour Patch Kid.

Have a great weekend, and remember to live intentionally.

Amazing sunset last night!


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  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    I don't “do” instagram so I hope you keep this page active! And yay for crazy lady coming to her senses!

  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 3:20 pm

    Hooray! ???

  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 3:20 pm


  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 3:20 pm


  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 3:22 pm

    I have read your posts since the one that got viral featured in yahoo about your Christmas and your kids gifts…I have followed your stories and the only thing that I can tell you is that you make me want to be a better mom, partner and WOMAN, you are so full of strength and hope and somehow manage to live full of courage for your kids that need special attention and care, I ADMIRE YOU AND THANK YOU for opening my eyes each time I read your posts. I pray for your son and daughter and wish you a life full of blessings Eden!

  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 4:31 pm

    Sorry, I don't Instagram. I'm out of hours in the day. I'll keep on hanging out here, thanks

  • Facebook
    April 7, 2017 at 7:28 pm

    I wanted to tell you that your post about food pantry, inspired me to donate more items. I was very careful to think if my items would be useful and of course all are fresh! I was happy to see our daughter's school donation bin (for a food pantry in SF) was filled with good items!

  • Spider - Man
    April 8, 2017 at 5:25 am

    You're going to become a social media mogul!

    • NotMyShametoBear
      April 11, 2017 at 4:19 am

      You’re back!!

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