How To Live Within The Space You Have
It has been a while since I’ve done any house topic posts, so… how about closets?
But, builder standard doesn’t mean that for less than $50 you can’t have your own custom made closet!
By moving the top shelf down 18 inches and mounting a standard wall bracket that attaches to adjustable shelving below it, I was able to give myself ample storage space. I added a few bins from the $1 store to hold things like bras and socks and I now have a cheap, yet custom, closet system that works much better for not only my lifestyle, but for my height as well.
That doesn’t mean that it can’t be just as functional. With a little creativity and the willingness to break traditional storage rules, you can make just about any small bathroom feel larger when you relocate the clutter.
With limited storage space in my bathroom, I made the decision to forgo the idea of getting everything organized IN the bathroom and decided to get it organized outside of the bathroom. The only feasible way to accomplish that was to move everything to the linen closet that sits just outside of the bathroom.
I then moved all the towels from the linen closet into the bathroom vanity. It’s a lot easier to grab a towel from under the sink than to go searching for my hair dryer under there! Since there are three of us using that bathroom, I got rid of the small towel bar and hung a coat rack instead.
With that being said, I have one room in particular, my library, where putting a couch in there made the small space feel claustrophobic since two of the walls are floor to ceiling bookshelves. In this case I chose to take the closet doors off and put the couch in the closet. I then chose a futon style that lifts up to reveal storage space so that I didn’t completely lose the benefit of having a closet.
By hanging some paper lamps to play off the depth of the space, it makes for a cozy little reading area.
No Closet:
Admittedly when I closed the room in I was thinking about the homes resale value and therefore chose to build it as if it were intended to be a home office; glass doors and no closet. Still though, since a kid does live in there, he needs some storage space, right?
The lack of a closet does not mean a lack of storage, it just once again means that you need to find creative ways to live within your space. This time it meant buying three closet maid storage units, bolting them together, and then bolting the entire thing to the wall to create one massive wall of storage.
A storage unit like this can be easy, fairly inexpensive, and done almost anywhere in your home since it doesn’t take up precious floor space.
Take my front entryway for example; It is so small that not only is there no room for a closet, but there isn’t even room to fake having one.
In a case like this you have to be willing to think within the confines of a small space. Small spaces don’t mean forgoing storage, they just mean being extra creative about it. In my case there wasn’t much depth, but there was height. By hanging coat hooks above each other it gave me room to hang several jackets. For purses, book bags, and diaper bags, a basket was placed underneath. I then hung a mirror to give the space a feeling of depth.
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Thank you!!
Haha!! I totally botched the title (it’s fixed now). Usually I can count on you guys to point that out right away!
I love all your posts!
And I love you!
Very creative use of space. Love it.I have a closet with a small rod for my shirts and dresses, then my pants are on the shelf above the rod. I have a bench below the rod with bins for the under garments and under the bench are my boots. I've got one of those door hanger things that holds all my other shoes. Yay closets!
Thanks chica!! Sounds like you are a closet expert yourself!
Recently started reading about the konmari method of decluttering (from “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up” by Marie Kondo) and it has some great tips for using space efficently and making your living space feel that little bit bigger. Those who aren't aware should check it out. Especially guys, we usually suck at being tidy lol.
Have you seen all those tiny house shows that run on like HGTV and things like that? I am a minimalist but that is insane!!