Baby Update

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Is it just me, or have I been pregnant forever?

Because seriously, it feels like it’s been forever…

I’m 37 weeks pregnant, and I really can’t believe I made it this far. With my first two, I had preterm labor that landed me on bedrest a few months before my due date. So this time, when I ended up in the hospital at 21 weeks, contracting regularly, and scared out of my mind, I was sure that he was going to be born very, very, early.

But nope!

Now he doesn’t want to get out.
This pregnancy has been rough. Not only was I in the hospital back in October, but I’ve suffered through nine months of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (basically 24/7 extreme morning sickness), and this kiddo has now given me not one, but two hernias that I will get to have fixed after he’s born.

So that’s awesome.

One of the hernias, is a hiatal hernia, meaning that he pushed my stomach up through my diaphragm wall and into my lung space, which is absolutely as fun as it sounds (which is not fun at all). When that happened, I started losing weight (because who wants to eat when the food is hanging out around your lungs), and the doctor’s told me that they would most likely have to take the baby early.

I was all prepared for that to happen, when I looked at the toothpaste one morning, and had the urge to eat it.

I know I’m weird, but that’s a bit over the line even for me.

I did refrain from eating any and all dental products (thank you very much), but I did ask my doctor to check my iron level’s because craving non-food items is typically a sign of a vitamin or mineral deficiency. So, it was no surprise when lab work showed that my hemoglobin, iron, B12, etc, was so low, that delivering would put me at a huge hemorrhage risk.

Apparently one of the levels was supposed to be close to 200, and mine was 3.
Go big or go home, am I right?

And that phone call, came the night before my court date. After getting the doctor to bend to my will agree with my schedule (and assure me that the baby was OK), I pushed the infusions off for a few days so that I could get through court.

Which as you know, I did.

Yay me.

So the baby stayed in, my stomach is still in my lungs, and I now have to go to the chemotherapy center of the local cancer hospital every other day to get infused with a variety of things, including one that looks like black tar.

But, I am not complaining.

I love this baby, and I can’t wait to meet him. And spending time surrounded by patients in the chemo room, who are literally fighting for their lives, has left me in a place where I know that no matter what I’m going through, I’m still blessed.

I’m not fighting for my life, I’m bringing forth another one, and for that, I am eternally grateful, and have no right to complain.

Still, I’d be lying if I said that at this point I wasn’t also uncomfortable, and so when my infusion treatments are completed in a few days, you’d better believe that I’m going to be bouncing on an exercise ball around the neighborhood at midnight on a full moon after eating something so spicy that it burns the eyebrows right off of my face, and melts the clothes off of my husband, because we all know what they say is the best way to induce labor, and this kid NEEDS TO GET OUT.

These movie theater trays were super convenient. Or not.

So yep, that’s how things are going.

It’s funny, because with The Girl Child, the nursery was set up months in advance. All the furniture that I had as a child was refinished and reupholstered, in anticipation to pass on a tradition. Clothes that she might need for the next five years of her life were washed and hung, and the house looked like a Babies R’ Us had dropped its entire contents off in my living room, and then set everything up on display. I had every item you could possibly need for a baby, and many more that I never even used.

With my second, The Boy Child, the nursery was painted, furniture was bought, and everything was set up several weeks before my ninth month; complete with a select variety of hand me down items that were lovingly cleaned, prepped, and awaiting his arrival.

This kid?

Well I did have this onsie made for him…

And… yea.

He’s actually going to start out in my room, and once he’s sleeping through the night, we’re going to move his crib to The Girl Child’s room. And then when he’s ready to get out of the crib, he will make his last move into The Boy Child’s bedroom where they will bond, and become best friends for years to come become roommates. (All rooms which you can find pictures of in my latest House Tour post

At least for now, I can proudly state that the crib set up… even if it’s piled full of stuff still in boxes, that I intend to weasel out of having to set up myself. I figure that The Guy can do that while I recover in the hospital with room service and on demand movies. #BirthingPerk

I just have not had the nesting instinct with this baby like I did the other two, probably because I haven’t been feeling well. If worst comes to worst, I have boobs to feed the kid, I’ll steal diapers from the hospital, and I’m pretty sure that I saw a car seat in the overflow pile that is accumulating in my office.

He’ll be fine.

And loved, adored, and so, so wanted.

Get out baby, we can’t wait to meet you!


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  • Facebook
    February 15, 2018 at 4:06 pm

    you look soo adorable pregnant!!

  • Facebook
    February 15, 2018 at 5:02 pm

    May he arrive safely and soon. 🙂

  • Facebook
    February 15, 2018 at 6:01 pm

    Almost done!

  • Facebook
    February 15, 2018 at 7:07 pm

    Best of luck!

  • Anonymous
    February 15, 2018 at 7:08 pm

    Get out baby!!

  • Facebook
    February 15, 2018 at 7:56 pm

    I can't wait for your little man to make his entrance!!! Funny how different every pregnancy is and how whatever is going on in life surely effects that. I am so happy that you get to share this pregnancy with your wonderful/amazing/loving/supportive/awesome husband of yours…that you have been able to experience all of the months of pregnancy with him by your side, loving you and being there for you! Continue to be your strong, loving, kick ass self and your sweet little man will be here in no time! Lots of hugs and love to you and your family!! ?

  • Facebook
    February 16, 2018 at 7:21 pm

    Try lemonheads with your iron transfusion if you get a metallic taste in your mouth. Almost there! Hang in there.

  • CD
    February 17, 2018 at 12:33 am

    So I haven't been around as much, but I was just thinking “did Eden have her baby? Let me check up on her…” and wow, I COMPLETELY missed the series of posts last week. I gotta say I was hoping your ex got thrown in jail or something… but goddamn, I've never heard of THAT much child support!And jesus, now FOUR half siblings for your kids?! Well, YOURS will basically be full, but still. You'd think since he clearly doesn't wanna have to keep paying for them that the dude would have figured out how to use a condom by now.I'll be checking in more frequently while we await Baby #3. Seems like 2018 is gonna be your year!

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Me Defined

Eden Strong

Eden Strong

My husband said he was going to the store... and never came back. It's been a crazy life that's left me functional enough to survive yet dysfunctional enough to make me funny. I'm living my life devoid of most social graces while single parenting two young children and I absolutely love it....most days.

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