For Your Reading Enjoyment

Don’t forget, it’s No Work Weekend!!

Because of that, I won’t be writing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be reading!

If you aren’t a Not My Shame Facebook fan, you might have missed a few things I’ve been working on, so I’ll just go ahead and catch you up below:

If you are looking to relate to some mommy stories, pop over to my author bio page on Lifetime Mom’s where you can see all my articles, including the most recent two detailing why the Girl Child and I are at odds with Disney and why my child did not meet my expectations.

You can find more parenting strangeness from me over at Scary Mommy. Their articles are oddly stacked on top of each other in my profile, so just keep scrolling down to read through them.

If sex is on your mind (hey, it’s a weekend!!) head on over to my bio page at YourTango. I will warn you, those articles aren’t for virginal eyes and blushy faces, but if sex is your thing, make sure you click the “read more” button for a full list of my articles.

If you want nothing to do with humans this weekend, well hell it’s a weekend and more power to ya! In that case, hop on over to Catster and read about the time that my cat died, and I almost killed my dad because of it. It is literally one of my favorite stories….possibly ever. I think there are a couple new articles on there as well, so just make sure to scroll down.

If you don’t like humans AND you don’t like cats, rest assured, I have whipped up a few dog articles on Dogster for you as well. Do you think dogs are easier than kids? I sure as hell do and you can find my reason’s to back up that claim right here. You can also read about why I needed to rehome my beloved pug.

If that’s not enough for you, sorry, can’t help you. Pop some popcorn, grab a movie, and I will see you on Monday!

I will at least leave you with a little “pick me up.”

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


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  • Koro
    November 9, 2014 at 4:16 am

    No work weekend sounds awesome. I wish every weekend could be like that.

    • NotMyShametoBear
      November 9, 2014 at 3:36 am

      Me too. Would someone come do my laundry and take care of my kids so that I could actually not have to work at all?



      Don’t all jump at once now….

  • Koro
    November 11, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    >_> I'm so bad at doing my laundry. At least I don't have kids.

    • NotMyShametoBear
      November 11, 2014 at 10:25 pm

      Lol! Laundry = Sad Eden

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