The Boy Child started attending a new daycare last week. To give you a little bit of perspective, he had been going to his previous daycare since he was less than a year old (he started a few months after my ex left), and he is now almost 5. To him, that daycare was a
Browsing tag: Ex
Can someone please bring me some wine and a few cupcakes? Because I’d really like to stuff my feelings down with food right about now. Tomorrow I have court again with my ex. I’m not sure how I feel about this. When I wrote my last post, I was angry. And before that, I was
I’m not sure how many of you remember but in July I paid Mr. Attorney Man (in single dollar bills, in a duffle bag, in a parking lot, because WHY NOT?) to take my ex back to court due to his continued nonpayment of child support. I was coming off the heel of yet another failed
She stomped out of the room, turning around just long enough to shout “I wish daddy was here and not you!!” My heart exploded. For a kid that is rarely in trouble and raises her voice towards me about as often as I change out my yearly calender, I was shocked. Shocked, hurt, and shaking
It was four years into our marriage, our daughter had just been born, and we were broke. My ex (husband still at the time), unbeknownst to me was not only blowing all our money on drugs, but he was also stealing money from the family business that he worked for and was blowing through that
I pulled into her driveway and waited for her to come out of the house. She did, slowly, and as she sunk into the passenger seat I could tell she had been crying. White knuckles gripping her purse as she whispered out a forced “hello” and then turned her head to stare out the window,
Two days after a catastrophic break-up with my boyfriend of two years, I wandered into a pet store looking to purchase a larger cage for the bunny my now ex-boyfriend had bought me for my birthday. I asked to speak with the manager, telling the store employee that I was in need of a
After nearly two decades of hard drug use, my ex’s brain started to cook. I feel fairly confident in giving him that medical diagnosis despite the fact that I myself have never personally attended medical school, simply based on the fact that I was around him long enough to watch his brains actually start to
Hey…guess who’s back? Yea, it’s me. Sorry about suddenly going MIA, I didn’t intend for that to happen. This was an eye-opening 11 days or so, the majority of which needed to be spent in silence. That translated into me not answering many phone calls or texts, letting emails go un-replied with the exception of
The last time we chatted about medical procedures I told you about the time I got an epidural line threaded into my ass cheek while a herd of medical students watched, so today I thought I would tell you about what happened after that. **If you did not read the post “True Stories From The Operating Room,”
((Sigh)) So I figured that I owed you all an explanation as to why the blog has been a bit funky for the past couple of weeks. Less posts, longer time for my comment replies, and oh the typos. (Yup, even Mr. Attorney Man sent me an email about how many typos I have had
For years I was doing everything for my ex while I desperately tried to hold him together during the height of his drug addiction. Getting him up for work, getting him in the shower, setting out his clothes, making his breakfast, packing his lunch, and the list just goes on. Every ball he dropped I