Browsing tag: Rape

Having A PTSD Crisis Here…

So this morning I texted Mr. Attorney Man to let him know that my Order of Protection expires in a few weeks. Renewing it was something that I had been somewhat pondering but mostly just pushing out of my mind, and I wanted to at least touch base with him and see what it entailed

I’m Still A Victim

It has been a long day after a long week. I hit the ground running Monday morning after three days packed full of 4thof July festivities, and I haven’t stopped since.  Tonight when the kids were finally sleeping hard in their beds, I found myself rummaging through the fridge — not really hungry but at

The Perfect Victim

Did you know that according to Popular Science, roughly 5% of women who are raped experience an orgasm during the assault? And that’s actually a pretty low statistic because I’ve read other studies that that statistic at a much higher percentage. I personally know for a fact that it does happen simply because I’ve worked

I Need Some Advice!

I have a memory like a steel trap. In fact those are the exact words that I said in an email earlier this week to Mr. Attorney Man and I said them because they are true. If you say something to me, if we go somewhere, if we see something, I’m going to remember it.

What Is Sex Like After Rape?

As you guys know I’ve been a support group leader for sexual assault and domestic abuse victims for a while now. Aside from running general groups, I specialize in assisting sexual assault victims with regaining their sexuality. Support groups are fantastic, amazing, wonderful places, but unfortunately they are oftentimes filled with women who have been

I’m Not Ok Today

It was a year ago today. For as easily as words come to me, they aren’t coming to me today. I don’t know how I feel. I kind of feel happy that I survived a year. I feel like maybe I should be proud that I’ve learned so much. I feel angry that he was

Seriously, Enough Is Enough

You guys, I am so tired. I slept ohhhh……maybe an hour last night, probably less. I had a hard time writing this post. I kept writing, deleting, crying, writing some more, deleting again, crying, and so on. You see, I have good news; I don’t have to go to court on Monday. Yay! Right? Am

Death, Rescue Me

Did you all know I write poetry? I can’t remember if I’ve shared that on here before. Most of my early work and my first published book, was all poetry. I haven’t shared my poetry in a long time because it has become intensely personal, but tonight I guess I’m feeling open. **Trigger Warning** I

Me Defined

Eden Strong

Eden Strong

My husband said he was going to the store... and never came back. It's been a crazy life that's left me functional enough to survive yet dysfunctional enough to make me funny. I'm living my life devoid of most social graces while single parenting two young children and I absolutely love it....most days.

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