Search Results For: label/Platonic-Husband

Eight Months Later…

So… I just realized that it’s been like EIGHT MONTHS since I did one of those “and this is what we’ve been up to” posts. What the hell Eden, pull it together! With that being said, I just went back through my photo files from the last few months and I’m here to update all

My Neighbors Called The Police

So I have a confession to make. Bugs, they make me scream. It’s totally ridiculous and actually pretty funny, but I can’t help it — they make me scream. It’s not even so much that I’m scared of the bug itself, but more in the way that the bug most likely snuck up on me.

As Usual…

As usual, it’s been really busy around here and since you guys are always sweet enough to email me and see what we are up to, here’s the monthly update! I’ve been working insane hours and there’s been something else taking up a lot of my time (which we will talk about later this week

And This Is What Has Kept Us Busy

So, do you want to know what has been keeping me (and Mr. Attorney Man) busy? Fighting with my state. The child support office has STILL been withholding my child support payments, since last August! AN ENTIRE YEAR!!!!! I don’t want to delve into the entire story again, so if you are new to this

Another Look Inside My Phone

I was clearing out the texts and emails on my phone the other day and I realized that it had been a while since I had given you a peek in here, so eh, why not? For some reason none of my computer editing software allows me to crop screen shots so please excuse the


It’s funny how everyone waits for summer to get here so that they can kick back and relax, but then the minute it gets here we all take off running and throw relaxation to the side! Here’s just a snapshot of what the Strong family has been up to: As I said before, someone graduated

I Require Adult Supervision

Last month as my Platonic Hubby and I were trying to figure out something to do for my birthday, the conversation took a turn that looked like this: I’m the orange-ish bubble So Saturday night my Platonic Husband, two other friends, and I, spent the night in the city. There was a lot of planning

Why Would I Buy That?

A few nights ago after I suffered a minor facial injury that I will take to the grave that I don’t want to talk about, The Platonic Husband and I made plans to watch the comedy “The Sex Tape.” I’m the ugly peach color. For some reason it wouldn’t let me crop the pics so

Upcoming Surgery This Week

Talk about a whirlwind of a weekend!! Geesh. Is it Friday yet??? Oh no wait. Friday just passed. Wowzers. My Friday night ended like this: A few friends brought tasty things and came over to chill out after a long week, and trust me when I say that it was a LONG week. Aside from

And So The Adventure Begins!

This past month and a half has been a whirlwind to say the least. I’m not sure I have ever felt as far behind on… everything, as I have in the last few weeks, but overall I have to say that things have (finally) been going fairly well in a lot of ways. First off, after Mr.

Allow Me To Catch You Up…

Hey, so do you want to hear the updates to a couple of past posts? Of course you do! No one likes to get halfway through a book and then find out the last chapter is missing, so here, allow me to catch you up. The gerbil is no more. Yep, remember the little critter

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