Both of my kids birthday’s are going to be coming up in the next few weeks and it got me thinking about being pregnant with both of them. I have to tell you, pregnancy is a really weird thing. It’s weird to me that it didn’t feel more natural, but it just didn’t. I wasn’t
Browsing tag: Ex
Two posts ago I answered the most asked question, “what happened to your sister” when I opened the floor to you guys in the post “Super Fast Post” and gave you the opportunity to ask me anything you wanted. Today we are going to tackle the most debated question; “What does it feel like to
I’ve really only ever punched one person. It was in the locker room in high school. I was in my underwear. I got suspended for it. Yup, that happened. We had gone running that day in gym class and when we got back to the locker room the teacher ordered all of us to get
It’s been a while since I have updated you on previous postings, so I figured it was probably time to do that! As I said in my previous post The “Exorcism Is Near,” the nutcase neighbors are moving!! One select finger has been waving them good-bye every time I drive by their house. That probably
Did you all know I write poetry? I can’t remember if I’ve shared that on here before. Most of my early work and my first published book, was all poetry. I haven’t shared my poetry in a long time because it has become intensely personal, but tonight I guess I’m feeling open. **Trigger Warning** I
Feb 11th, 2014 Dear ex husband, Its been two years since I watched you walk out of my house, never once looking back at the faces pressed against the window. It’s been two years since you left me as an only parent, with no job, no support, no help, and no hope. It’s been two years
My second surgery yesterday went great, couldn’t have gone better actually. Today I woke up and albeit sore, bruised, and swollen, I actually feel somewhat like a human being again. So…I decided it was time to venture out of the house. Well, “decided” might be giving it a little bit too much credit, but lets
My brain still feels like it’s in lala land, I think losing so much blood has really thrown my body for a loop, so today I bring you a pre-written post. So glad I stocked up on a few of these before my surgery. Enjoy!! Stories from the ex, everyone has at least a few
Reflections from the past, so far away, yet never far enough When “I do,” should have been “I don’t” His fist hit the solid wood closet door behind me with such force, I was sure it had cracked. Eyes glaring so intensely, yet not seeing me at all. Was this it? Is this how it
Finding out I was pregnant with my daughter ranks up there as one of the most terrifying moments of my life. She was born out of an abusive relationship and growing up with unstable parents myself, I feared that the only thing I had to offer her, was failure. But the more she grew inside
So it finally happened people. Now let me tell you, it was a looooonnnnggggg time coming. I have politely kept my mouth shut, nodded and smiled for the last 12 years. Today though, today I exploded. Now give me some credit that I didn’t yell, I’m not really a yeller, but holy hell, the pure